Non-Linear Physics

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The research in the nonlinear physics group at the Racah Institute of Physics spans a wide range of complex systems whose behavior originates from geomet- ric, algebraic, and stochastic nonlinearities, ultimately leading to spatial and temporal nonlinear interactions. Such systems appear in very wide contexts: from biological to inanimate, from deterministic to stochastic, and from fluid to solid.
Working in close contact, the theoretical and experimental groups constantly contribute to each other in the ever-lasting cycle of theory-motivated experi- ments and vice versa.
Representative fields under study in the nonlinear group are:

  • Fineberg Lab: Physics of fracture, friction and earthquakes.
  • Friedland Group: Plasma physics. Classical and quantum autoresonant dynamics.
  • Gat Group: Stochastic dynamics of mode locked lasers, Cavity quantum electrody- namics.
  • Katzav Group: Statistical mechanics of random graphs. Superoscillations. Packing prob- lems. Fracture and fragmentation in solids.
  • Meerson Group: Large fluctuations in non-equilibrium stochastic systems
  • Moshe Group: Mechanics and geometry in soft matter physics, including biological tissue, mechanical metamaterials, and thin elastic sheets.
  • Sharon Lab: Mechanics and geometry of growth in living and responsive materials. Turbulence in rotating fluids.

For more details visit the group's Website.

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Members of Non-Linear Physics