International Students

The Racah Institute of Physics hosts various talented students from around the world. Our vibrant international community consists largely of postdoctoral fellows but also MSc and PhD students.
Most choose to live in Jerusalem, a diverse and vibrant city. The city is an international center for entrepreneurship. It is modern and thriving. But Jerusalem also has a rich history and culture important to much of the world. Considered a holy city by three of the world’s major religions, Jerusalem combines both tradition and innovation.
Study Tracks for International Students

  • M.Sc and Ph.D. Programs. We offer international students the opportunity to enroll in our M.Sc and Ph.D programs. There are no teaching requirements, and financial support is available. For more details see here.
  • Exchange Programs. The Hebrew University has partnerships with many universities around the world which enable the exchange of students
    We welcome exchange and study abroad students to join our programs. 
  • Courses offered in English for incoming exchange students in 2019-20. In the upcoming academic year, the following BSc courses will be taught in English and are open to exchange students:
    • 77532 - Introduction to Physics Research
    • 77606 - Mechanics of Continua
    • 77609 - Introduction to Elementary Particles
    • 77742 - Advanced Data Analysis
    • 77838 - Medical Physics
    • 77940 - Particle Cosmology
  • In addition, upon the intructors approval, 3rd year undergraduate students may take MSc courses taught in English.
  • Rothberg International School. Students in the Rothberg International School (RIS) are able to enroll in physics courses. For details contact your study advisors at the RIS.
  • Note that all BSc courses are primarily taught in Hebrew. Students with adequate knowledge of Hebrew are eligible to take courses in Hebrew (Level “Daled” in Hebrew). Admissions and enrollment are the same as for domestic students..

For more information visit HUJI International.