
Each year, about 30 Master students begin their studies in the M.Sc program at the Racah Institute. The purpose of the master's program is to further develop knowledge and skills in physics and to prepare students for a professional career or doctoral studies. The program spans two years during which students take various advance courses and carry out forefront research in the departments of Physics and Applied Physics.

For more details visit here.

Program Structure

  • Duration. The expected schedule for the Master’s program is two years.
  • Courses. The program requires completion of 32 points of course credits (8 mandatory credits, 17 mandatory-elective credits, 7 elective credits). This amounts to roughly a semester and a half dedicated to courses. Students have the freedom to spread their course load as they find convenient.  For more details visit the shnaton
  • Advisor and Thesis. Beginning with the second semester of the first year, students should find an advisor and begin a research project under her/his supervision. This includes writing a thesis. Outstanding researchers are invited to join the direct-track PhD program during the second year of their degree.
  • Final oral exam. After completing their thesis and courses, students undertake a 90min oral exam during which they present their thesis and answer the referee’s questions on the thesis.
  • Variants. The program can be integrated with a specialization in Nanoscience or in Quantum Technology and Information. These programs require an additional process of acceptance. More details can be found at the department of Physics secretariat.


  • Prerequisites. Bachelor degree in physics with an average 85 and above.  
  • Registration process for the M.Sc. studies (including for a teaching position in the department):
    1. Registration to the Hebrew University, at the following link.
    2. Registration on the Faculty's website by creating an account in the registration system at the following link ​​
    3. Submit accompanying material, detailed below, to the following e-mail address (Tali Koren Katan talikk@savion.huji.ac.il). The title should indicate "registration to the M.Sc. program in Physics":
      • Resume.
      • Courses and grades of your B.Sc. (for students who studied outside the Hebrew University).
      • A page describing a subject in physics that interests you in particular or a research project in which you were involved.
      • Letters of recommendation.
  • Registration Dates. Registration is open from January 29th and will end on May 31st 2023. Registration after this date is on a space-available basis. Answers will be received during July.

Direct Ph.D track

Outstanding researchers are invited to join the direct-track Ph.D program during the second year of their degree.

Scholarship, Salary, and Teaching

  • All students accepted into the MSc. program with a B.Sc. average above 85 are entitled to a scholarship of at least 3,500 NIS per month (and up to 5,000 NIS under the consideration of the Physics Department).
  • Students can significantly increase their income through a teaching position according to the following:
    • Most (~67%) of the students will be entitled to a teaching position with a guaranteed monthly income of at least 6,000 NIS (including scholarship) for two years and an exemption from tuition (last year students with an average of ≥88 in their B.Sc studies were qualified).
    • Outstanding students (about the top quarter) according to Bachelor's degree final grades will be guaranteed a total income (scholarship and teaching salary) of at least 7,000 NIS.
  • Additional benefits: study fund and pension insurance.
  • The teaching obligations in the Physics Department as part of the program include a position for all semesters by appointment of the department options, about 4 hours of classroom TA teaching, about 6 hours of training in the student labs, or about 12 hours of exercise grading.