"Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: Symmetries of Feynman integrals and the Integration By Parts method" Tue, 27/10/201510:30-11:30Location: White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: "Instanton operators and the Higgs Branch at infinite couplin" Tue, 05/04/201610:30-11:30Location: White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: "Scattering theory in terms of currents at infinity, and its relation to holographic spacetime" Tue, 23/02/201612:00-13:00Location: White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
"Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: Comments on chaos and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model" Tue, 24/11/201510:00-11:00Location: White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
"Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: TBA" (Prof. Edward Shuryak, Stony brook University) Tue, 02/06/201510:30-11:30Location: White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
High Energy Theory Group Seminar: "Supersymmetric Renyi Entropy and Weyl Anomalies in Six-Dimensional (2,0) Theories" Wed, 23/12/201512:00-13:00Location: Kaplun building, Room No. 200
"High Energy Theory Group Seminar: On the (in)effective action in hydrodynamics" Tue, 16/06/201512:00-13:00Location: White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
High Energy Theory Group Seminar: "Hair-brane ideas on black holes" Wed, 23/03/201612:00-13:00Location: Kaplun 200 Racah Inst. Seminar Room
High Energy Theory Group Seminar: "Stringy Horizons and UV/IR Mixing" Wed, 20/01/201612:00-13:00Location: Kaplun building, Room No. 200
"Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: One loop corrections to holographic Wilson Loops" Tue, 08/12/201512:00-13:00Location: White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
"High Energy Theory Group Seminar: Renormalization group flow of entanglement entropy on spheres" Thu, 20/11/201411:30-12:30Location: Kaplun building, Room No. 200
"Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: On Holographic complexity and cosmological singularities" Tue, 08/12/201510:30-11:30Location: White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
"Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: Rigid holography and six dimensional superconformal field theories on five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space" Tue, 02/06/201512:00-13:00Location: White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: "Black holes as collapsed living polymers" Tue, 15/03/201610:30-11:30Location: White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: "Infalling observers and Small Black Holes in ADS/CFT" Tue, 12/01/201612:00-13:00Location: White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom