High Energy Seminar:" Probing Dark Sector Physics with Galactic Substructure" Tue, 04/01/202212:30-13:30
High Energy Seminar:"MicroBooNE's new results from the deep-learning-based 2-body CCQE search for an electron neutrino excess" Thu, 06/01/202214:00-15:00
Nonlinear Physics Seminar: "Extinctions of coupled populations, and rare event dynamics under non-Gaussian noise" Wed, 09/03/202212:00-13:30Location: Danciger B Building, Seminar room
Physics Colloquium : "INSIGHT INTO THE MOLECULAR LEVEL MECHANISMS OF PHOTORECEPTOR PROTEINS USING MULTISCALE SIMULATION" Mon, 27/12/202112:00-13:30Location: Place: Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
HE Astrophysics Seminar | Jonathan Katz (Washington University in St. Louis) Thu, 30/12/202117:00-18:00Location: Ross building, 2nd floor seminar room
High Energy Physics Seminar: "Quantum codes, conformal field theories, and holography." Thu, 23/12/202114:00-15:30
Physics Colloquium : "A statistical physics perspective on the bacterial cellular network under stress" Mon, 20/12/202112:00-13:30Location: Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8