Optics Seminar:" Solving hard computational problems with coupled lasers" Mon, 02/09/201912:00-13:30Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
Physics Colloquium : "An alternate route to complexity: Trade-off between transcriptome plasticity and genome evolution in cephalopods" Mon, 27/01/202012:00-13:30Location: Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
Nonlinear Physics Seminar:"Towards a Framework for Collective Behavior in Plant-Inspired Growth-Driven Systems" Wed, 08/01/202012:00-13:30Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
Quantum Physics Seminar:"Spectroscopy with quantum sensors" Thu, 25/07/201912:00-13:30Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
Nonlinear Physics Seminar:"Geometry and elasticity of a knitted fabric" Wed, 26/06/201912:00-13:30Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
Biological Physics Seminar:"Bacterial transcription initiation - lessons from single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy" Thu, 20/06/201914:00-15:30Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
Physics Colloquium : "Can physics help us understand cancer metastasis?" Mon, 24/06/201912:00-13:30Location: Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
Physics Colloquium : "Rare events in interacting populations: from well-mixed to spatially-extended systems" Mon, 03/06/201912:00-13:30Location: Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
Nanophotonics and Optics Seminar:"NP-complete Problems and Physics" Tue, 11/06/201916:00-19:00Location: Location: Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8 , Safra Campus
Nonlinear Physics Seminar:"Universality of the band-gap density - from periodic graphs to laminates" Wed, 05/06/201912:00-13:30Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room