"Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: Symmetries of Feynman integrals and the Integration By Parts method"

Tue, 27/10/201510:30-11:30
White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
Lecturer: Prof. Barak Kol
Affiliation: Racah Institute of Physics
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Integration By Parts (IBP) is an
important method for computing
Feynman integrals. This talk, based
on arXiv:1507.01359, will describe a
formulation of the theory involving a
set of differential equations in
parameter space, and especially the
definition and study of an associated
Lie group G. The group acts on
parameter space and foliates it into
G-orbits. The differential equations
essentially provide the gradient of
the integral within the orbit in terms
of integrals associated with
degenerate diagrams. In this way
the computation of a Feynman
integral at a general point in
parameter space is reduced to the
evaluation of the Feynman integral
at some freely chosen base point on
the same orbit, together with a line
integral inside the G-orbit and the
degenerate integrals along the path.
The method will be demonstrated by
application to the two-loop vacuum
Additional details of the upcoming Joint Seminars
in Theoretical High Energy Physics can be found
on the following link.