High Energy Astrophysics Seminars:"Universal properties of maximum-mass neutron stars" Thu, 10/11/202213:00-14:00
High Energy Physics Seminar: "Black holes tidal response and the tune of Love" Thu, 31/03/202216:00-17:30
High Energy Seminar:"MicroBooNE's new results from the deep-learning-based 2-body CCQE search for an electron neutrino excess" Thu, 06/01/202214:00-15:00
High Energy Seminar:" Probing Dark Sector Physics with Galactic Substructure" Tue, 04/01/202212:30-13:30
High Energy Physics Seminar: "Quantum codes, conformal field theories, and holography." Thu, 23/12/202114:00-15:30
High Energy Seminar: "Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Near-SUSY Theories" Thu, 25/11/202114:00-15:30Location: Kaplun Building Seminar Room 200
High Energy Seminar:" Many Facets of Conformal Field Theories" Thu, 09/01/202014:00-15:30Location: Ross Bldg. 1st floor seminar room
High Energy Physics Seminar:"Recent Developments in Infrared Divergences" Thu, 19/12/201914:00-15:30Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
High Energy Seminar:" Probing ν interactions for ν physics" Thu, 26/12/201914:00-15:30Location: Ross Bldg. 1st floor seminar room
High Energy Seminar:"Signatures of conformal symmetry in black holes" Thu, 05/12/201914:00-15:15Location: Ross Bldg. 1st floor seminar room.
High Energy Seminar:"On the Complexity of Black Holes" Wed, 13/11/201913:00-14:00Location: Ross Bldg. 1st floor seminar room.
High Energy Seminar :"Novel methods for multi-loop scattering amplitudes" Mon, 20/05/201914:30-16:00Location: Kaplun seminar room