The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: "The RPWELL - a potential sampling element for (semi-) digital hadron calorimeters"

Mon, 18/01/201614:45-15:45
The large seminar room of the Physics building, Weizmann Institute of Science
Lecturer: Dr. Shikma Bressler
Affiliation: Department of Particale Physics
and Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science
For the past few years our group has been
investigating various configurations of gas-
avalanche detectors with potential applications
as sampling elements in (Semi-) Digital Hadronic
CALorimeters (S)DHCALs. This has led to a
particularly promising detector structure the
Resistive Plate WELL (RPWELL). Recent results
show that this cost-effective, large-area,
compact (thin), robust, simple-to-produce, fast
gas-avalanche sensing-element can fully meet
the DHCAL requirements, with performance
characteristics surpassing those of other
technologies. In particular, our studies
demonstrated a completely discharge-free
peration in argon-based gas mixtures, also
under a high-rate hadronic beam. This unique
feature key to the successful operation of the
detector as an (S)DHCAL sensing element - also
makes the RPWELL an attractive, industrially
mass-produced detector for large-area
applications in particle-, astroparticle- and
nuclear- physics, as well as in homeland
Additional details of the upcoming Israeli
Joint Nuclear Physics' Seminars can be
found on the following link.