The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: "The nuclear contacts and short-range correlations in nuclear systems" Mon, 21/11/201614:45-15:45Location: The large seminar room of the Physics building, Weizmann Institute of Science
Nuclear Physics Seminar : "Neutron-proton pairing and neutrino-less double-beta decay in the interacting boson model" Thu, 14/12/201715:00-17:00Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: "Stellar Neutron Capture Reactions Studied in the Laboratory" Mon, 15/05/201714:00-14:30Location: Shenkar Physics building, room #222 ,Tel-Aviv University
Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Physics Seminar: "Shapes and collective excitations in nuclei: microscopically-guided algebraic approach" Tue, 13/12/201612:00-13:30Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
Nuclear Seminar : "s-Process Nuclear Reactions Studied with the High-Intensity SARAF-LiLiT Neutron Source " Mon, 11/06/201815:30-17:00Location: Kaplun Building, Seminar room, 2nd floor
Special Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Physics Seminar: An introduction to Quantum Monte-Carlo many-body techniques and their application to nuclear physics Sun, 04/06/201710:00-12:00Location: Sprinzak building, Room No. 114
Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Physics Seminar: "Perturbative perspectives for nuclear effective field theories" Mon, 09/01/201710:00-11:00Location: Kaplun building, Room No. 200
Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Seminar Mon, 22/10/201814:00-17:00Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: Study of Short Range Correlations via the A(e,e'n) reaction Mon, 05/06/201716:00-17:00Location: Kaplun building, room #103, Tel-Aviv University
The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: "Nuclear Charge-Exchange Reactions Exciting to the Isobar Analog State and the Neutron Skin" Mon, 27/03/201716:15-17:15Location: Seminar room at Danciger B building, Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Physics Seminar:"β-Delayed ChaDelayed Charged Particle Measurements for Studies of Novae and X-Delayed Charay Bursts" Wed, 19/12/201814:00-15:30Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
Nuclear Seminar: "Beyond-mean-field boson-fermion description of nuclear structure" Mon, 11/12/201714:30-15:30Location: Danziger B, Jerusalem, Israel
The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: "Search for Time-Reversal-Violation in atom traps" Mon, 15/05/201714:30-15:00Location: Shenkar Physics building, room #222, Tel Aviv University
The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: "Nuclear physics with high power lasers at ELI-NP" Mon, 21/11/201616:15-17:15Location: The large seminar room of the Physics building, Weizmann Institute of Science
Nuclear Seminar - "Taming The Pion Cloud of the Nucleon" Mon, 19/03/201814:30-17:30Location: Danciger B building, seminar room