Mon, 28/10/201314:45-15:45
The large seminar room of the Physics building, Weizmann Institute of Science
"Exact Solutions of Pairing Hamiltonians":
The exact solution of the BCS pairing Hamiltonian was found by Richardson in 1963. While little attention was paid to his solution for the remainder of the century, there began in the early 2000s a flurry of activity that focused on its applications in different areas of quantum physics.
In this talk, following a brief historical overview of pairing in quantum systems, I will review Richardson's solution and its generalization to the wider class of Richardson-Gaudin integrable models and then discuss applications of these various models to problems of contemporary importance in nuclear physics.
The exact solution of the BCS pairing Hamiltonian was found by Richardson in 1963. While little attention was paid to his solution for the remainder of the century, there began in the early 2000s a flurry of activity that focused on its applications in different areas of quantum physics.
In this talk, following a brief historical overview of pairing in quantum systems, I will review Richardson's solution and its generalization to the wider class of Richardson-Gaudin integrable models and then discuss applications of these various models to problems of contemporary importance in nuclear physics.