Prof. Avraham Gal,Racah Institute of Physics

Mon, 09/12/201315:55-16:55
Hall 7 (in the corridor of the 1st floor between the Physics and Chemistry buildings) at the Tel Aviv University
"Dibaryons revisited ":
Quark-based expectations for dibaryons are reviewed, with special emphasis on Nucleon-Delta and Delta-Delta non-strange dibaryons. Recent experiments at COSY (Juelich) on pion production in pn collisions give evidence of a B=2 resonance at 2.37 GeV and width of about 70 MeV, attributed to Delta-Delta bound by about 90 MeV. The talk will focus on few-body calculations of non-strange dibaryons that reproduce this Delta-Delta dibaryon candidate in terms of hadronic degrees of freedom exclusively [Gal-Garcilazo, PRL 111 (2013) 172301].