Nuclear Seminar - "Taming The Pion Cloud of the Nucleon"

Mon, 19/03/201814:30-17:30
Danciger B building, seminar room
Lecturers:1. Gerald Miller, University of Washington
Abstract :The exchange of a pion between two nucleons has long been known to be the origin of the longest-ranged component of the force. The existence of this term means that a nucleon can exchange a pion with itself, and therefore is saidto have a pion cloud. For example, a proton can fluctuate into a neutron and a positively charged pion. The result is that anti-down quarks dominate the protons sea quark distribution. However, the ability to make quantitative calculations has been hindered by ambiguities related to short-distance aspects. We show how these ambiguities may be removed, so that calculations with reliably estimated uncertainties can be made. Thus, the existence of the pion cloud will be definitively tested in an upcoming experiment
2.Guy Ron HUJI, "Report on MUSE"
Abstract: On sunday Jerry Miller will review the proton puzle status in the Eisenberg memorial colloquium at TAU. Guy will complete the picture by a detailed report on progress with MUSE, the leading experimental effort to adress thjis puzle at PSI.