Mon, 11/12/201714:30-15:30
Danziger B, Jerusalem, Israel
Lecturer: Dr. Kosuke Nomura, Physics Department, Faculty of Science
University of Zagreb
Atomic nucleus is a unique system where the interplay between collective and single-particle degrees of freedom plays an important role, especially in those nuclei where proton and/or neutron numbers are odd. Nowadays a wealth of new data on the odd-nucleon systems has become available. However, theoretical description of these systems, particularly heavy nuclei, is a major computational challenge. We have developed a novel theoretical method for calculating spectroscopic properties of medium-mass and heavy nuclei with odd nucleon number, within the framework of nuclear mean-field method and the algebraic model of interacting boson-fermion system. The method has overcome the computational difficulty in studying odd-mass nuclei, allowing an accurate, systematic and
efficient description of their spectroscopic properties with only a few free parameters. Interesting applications of the method include the quantum phase transitions of intrinsic nuclear shapes and the test of fundamental symmetries in octupole-deformed (pear-shaped) nuclei. These topics are beyond the limits of conventional theoretical approaches.
University of Zagreb
Atomic nucleus is a unique system where the interplay between collective and single-particle degrees of freedom plays an important role, especially in those nuclei where proton and/or neutron numbers are odd. Nowadays a wealth of new data on the odd-nucleon systems has become available. However, theoretical description of these systems, particularly heavy nuclei, is a major computational challenge. We have developed a novel theoretical method for calculating spectroscopic properties of medium-mass and heavy nuclei with odd nucleon number, within the framework of nuclear mean-field method and the algebraic model of interacting boson-fermion system. The method has overcome the computational difficulty in studying odd-mass nuclei, allowing an accurate, systematic and
efficient description of their spectroscopic properties with only a few free parameters. Interesting applications of the method include the quantum phase transitions of intrinsic nuclear shapes and the test of fundamental symmetries in octupole-deformed (pear-shaped) nuclei. These topics are beyond the limits of conventional theoretical approaches.