"Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: The superconformal index of N=4 SYM, exact results from a Fermi gas"

Tue, 27/10/201512:00-13:00
White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
Lecturer: Dr. Nadav Drukker
Affiliation: King's College London
The superconformal index is a
generalization of the Witten index to 4
dimensional field theories. It has been
known for 10 years how to count the states
contributing to the index and express the
result as a matrix model. I will present new
results on the exact solution of this matrix
model in the case of N=4 SYM. The solution
can be written in different forms: as a single
integral of Jacobi theta functions, as sums
over large N instantons or for fixed N as
polynomials of elliptic integrals. Time
permitting I will explain the generalization to
theories with N=2 SUSY, where for some
the index can be solved completely, and for
others only up to large N instantons.
Additional details of the upcoming Joint Seminars
in Theoretical High Energy Physics can be found
on the following link.