Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: "A One-Dimensional Theory for Higgs Branch Operators"

Tue, 08/11/201612:00-13:00
White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
Lecturer: Dr. Ran Yacoby
Affiliation: Weizmann Institute of Science
I will show how supersymmetric localization
can be used to calculate correlation functions
of half-BPS local operators in 3d N=4
superconformal field theories whose
Lagrangian descriptions consist of
vectormultiplets coupled to hypermultiplets.
The operators primarily studied are certain
twisted linear combinations of Higgs branch
operators that can be inserted anywhere along
a given line. These operators are constructed
from the hypermultiplet scalars. They form a
1d non-commutative operator algebra with
topological correlation functions. The 2- and 3-
point functions of Higgs branch operators in
the full 3d N=4 theory can be simply inferred
from the 1d topological algebra. After
conformally mapping the 3d superconformal
field theory from flat space to a round three-
sphere, supersymmetric localization is
performed using a supercharge that does not
belong to any 3d N=2 subalgebra of the N=4
algebra. The result is a simple model that can
be used to calculate correlation functions in
the 1d topological algebra mentioned above.
This model is a 1d Gaussian theory coupled to
a matrix model, and it can be viewed as a
gauge-fixed version of a topological gauged
quantum mechanics. These results generalize
to non-conformal theories on S3 that contain
real mass and Fayet-Iliopolous parameters. I
will also provide partial results for the 1d
topological algebra associated with the
Coulomb branch, where correlators of
operators built from the vectormultiplet
scalars will be considered.
Additional details of the upcoming Joint
Seminars in Theoretical High Energy Physics
can be found on the following link.