"Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: Holographic entanglement entropy and the internal space"

Tue, 21/04/201510:30-11:30
White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
Lecturer: Dr. Christoph Uhlemann
Affiliation: University of Washington
Extensive studies of entanglement
correlations have led to remarkable insights
in recent years. Much of the focus has been
on correlations between different regions in
spacetime and the corresponding geometric
entropies, which can be computed efficiently
using AdS/CFT. The subjects of this talk are
non-geometric definitions of subsystems and
the relation of the corresponding
entanglement entropy to minimal surfaces
probing the internal space in AdS/CFT. A
recent proposal attempts to relate such
surfaces in AdS5xS5 to entanglement
entropies between U(n) and U(m) subsectors
of U(n+m) N=4 SYM. To sharpen this proposal
we will study it for N=4 SYM on the Coulomb
branch, which reveals an interesting phase
structure and explicitly shows limitations to
the proposed identification. This leads us to a
refined proposal, based on the relation of the
internal space to the R-symmetry of N=4
Additional details of the upcoming Joint Seminars
in Theoretical High Energy Physics can be found
on the following link