Joint High Energy Physics Seminars: "The Eight field way"

Tue, 21/11/201710:30-11:30
White Dove Conference Hall at Neve-Shalom
Lecturer: Dr. Shlomo Razamat
Affiliation: Technion
We study compactifications of the 6d E-string theory, the theory of a small E_8 instanton, to four dimensions. In particular we identify N=1 field theories in four dimensions corresponding to compactifications on arbitrary Riemann surfaces with punctures and with arbitrary non-abelian flat connections as well as fluxes for the abelian sub-groups of the E_8 flavor symmetry. This sheds light on emergent symmetries in a number of 4d N=1 SCFTs (including the `E7 surprise'
theory) as well as leads to new predictions for a large number of 4-dimensional exceptional dualities and symmetries. We also will mention some of the field theories obtained by compactifying other six dimensional theories (ADE conformal matter) on torus.
Additional details of the upcoming Joint
Seminars in Theoretical High Energy Physics
can be found on the following link.