"The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: New Symmetry of the Cluster Model"

Mon, 12/01/201516:55-17:45
The large seminar room of the Physics building, Weizmann Institute of Science
Lecturer: Prof. Moshe Gai
Affiliation: University of Connecticut
and Yale University
Recent measurements of the structure
of 12C [1] using an optical readout
TPC (O-TPC) [2] and gamma beams
allowed the first study of the rotation
vibration spectrum of 12C which
appears strikingly similar to the
spectrum predicted by a new
algebraic cluster model [3] employing
a geometrical (D3h) symmetry with
predicted recurring rotational bands
including the states: 0+, 2+, 3-,
(degenerate) 4+ and 4-, 5- etc [4, 5].
Such structures and symmetries are
common in molecular physics, but
have been observed in nuclear physics
for the first time. This model also
allow us to elucidate the structure of
the Hoyle state and as such it is in
conflict with ab-initio effective field
theory calculations on the lattice [5]
that predict different structure of the
Hoyle state. The calculations on the
lattice on the other hand use the
Hoyle state to conclude the masses of
light quarks and the strength of the
electromagnetic interaction (within
the anthropic view of the universe).
Extension of this study to the newly
constructed ELI-NP gamma ray facility
in Bucharest with a Warsaw-UConn
electronic readout TPC (eTPC) will be
[1] W.R. Zimmerman et al.; Phys.
Rev. Let. 110, 152502 (2013).
[2] M. Gai et al.; JINST 5, 12004
[3] R. Bijker and F. Iachello; Ann.
Phys. 298, 334 (2002)
[4] D.J. Marin-Lambarri et al.; Phys.
Rev. Lett. 113, 012502 (2014)
[5] Hamish Johnston,
[6] E. Epelbaum et al.; Phys. Rev.
Lett., 110, 112502 (2013)
Additional details of the upcoming Israeli
Joint Nuclear Physics' Seminars can be
found on the following link.