"The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: A new state of matter: Dibaryons"

Mon, 24/11/201414:45-15:45
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Dr. M. Bashkanov
Affiliation: Physics Institute, Eberhard Karls
University Tübingen, Germany
Despite their long painful history
dibaryon searches have recently
received new interest, in particular by
the recognition that there are more
complex quark configurations than just
the familiar qq and qqq systems. The
"hidden color" aspect makes dibaryons a
particularly interesting object in QCD.
A resonance like structure recently
observed in double-pionic fusion to
deuteron, at M=2.38 GeV with Γ = 70
MeV and I(Jp)=0(3+) meanwhile proved to
be the so called inevitable dibaryon
d*(2380). To investigate its structure we
have measured its decay branches into
the dπ0π0, dπ+π-, ppπ-π0, pnπ0π0 and pn
d*(2380) dibaryon is robust enough to
survive even in a nuclear surrounding,
which may have interesting
consequences for nuclear matter under
extreme conditions. It has been shown
that d* resonance can explain some
dilepton yield in heavy-ion collisions (DLS
Various theoretical calculations on d*
internal structure can be verified by
future experiments in MAINZ and JLab.
d*(2380) is unique multiquark system
where the interplay between six-quark
and molecular baryon-baryon
components can be actually measured.
Further investigations on d* dibaryon
SU(3) multiplet companions as well as
the mirror partners are expected to be
done in near future by COSY, JLab,
J-PARC and PANDA facilities.
Additional details of the upcoming Israeli
Joint Nuclear Physics' Seminars can be
found on the following link