High Energy Theory Group Seminar: "Quantum field theories of (n-1)-dimensional extended objects in 2n-dimensional space-time manifolds as 2d quantum field theories on 'quasi Riemann surfaces' of integral (n-1)-currents" | The Racah Institute of Physics

High Energy Theory Group Seminar: "Quantum field theories of (n-1)-dimensional extended objects in 2n-dimensional space-time manifolds as 2d quantum field theories on 'quasi Riemann surfaces' of integral (n-1)-currents"

Wed, 08/02/201712:00-13:00
Kaplun building, Room No. 200
Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Friedan
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
I will describe a project to develop a vast
expanse of constructible quantum field
theories of extended objects in 2n-
dimensional space-time manifolds. For
every 2d qft, there is to be a qft of
extended objects in every 2n-dimensional
space-time. These are to be constructible
in the same senses that 2d qfts are
constructible. The quantum fields live on
"quasi Riemann surfaces" --- certain
spaces of integral (n-1)-currents in the
space-time manifold, which are complete
metric spaces with much the same
analytic properties as Riemann surfaces.
(The notion of integral current is borrowed
from Geometric Measure Theory.)
Additional details of the upcoming
High Energys' seminars
can be found on the following link.