High Energy Theory Group Seminar: Naturalness and the Higgs Hierarchy Problem

Wed, 24/05/201712:00-13:00
Kaplun building, Room No. 200
Lecturer: Dr. Kevin Grosvenor
Affiliation: Niels Bohr Institute,
University of Copenhagen
Many fundamental questions in theoretical physics arise as puzzles of naturalness. Famous examples in high energy physics include the cosmological constant problem and the Higgs mass hierarchy problem. The discovery of the Higgs boson, but non-discovery of new resonances, puts renewed emphasis on the Higgs hierarchy. I will discuss recent approaches to this problem using nonrelativistic scalar field theories with anisotropic scaling between time and space. In the process, I will demonstrate some interesting surprises with nonrelativistic naturalness.
Additional details of the upcoming High Energys' seminars, can be found at the following link.