"High Energy Theory Group Seminar: Hot Bubbles of Nothing"

Wed, 13/05/201511:30-12:30
Kaplun building, Room No. 200
Lecturer: Dr. Adam Brown
Affiliation: Stanford University
"Bubbles of nothing” are a dramatic
instability of spacetimes with compact
extra dimensions. A hole appears in
spacetime, inside of which there is neither
space nor time: there is literally “nothing”.
Witten showed that they may nucleate by
quantum tunneling. I will discuss bubbles
of nothing that nucleate instead by
thermal fluctuation (or by a part-quantum
part-thermal hybrid process), and exhibit
a high-temperature/low-temperature
duality with the nucleation of caged black
Reference: http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.5903
Additional details of the upcoming High Energys'
seminars can be found on the following link.