Dr. Chen Ji,TRIUMF, Canada

Tue, 22/10/201312:00-14:00
The Moadon room at Pavilion 9
"An effective field theory description of the He-6 halo nucleus":
The ground-state of He-6 can be treated as a two-neutron halo with an alpha-particle core. This bound state is generated by the low-energy resonant n-n and n-alpha interactions. The latter is dominated by a p-wave narrow resonance, where both the scattering length and effective range appear at leading order. Using an effective field theory (EFT) approach, we first reproduce the n-n and n-alpha t-matrices with parameters from phase-shift analysis, and then implement them in the n-n-alpha three-body problem. In the regularization, we show an ultraviolet cutoff dependence of the He-6 binding energy. This indicates that the three-body system, described in the halo EFT framework, requires an n-n-alpha contact interaction to be properly renormalized. By tuning the n-n-alpha coupling constant, we reproduce the He-6 ground-state energy, and present its running with the cutoff. The prediction of other correlated observables in He-6, resulting from this renormalization in halo EFT with p-wave resonant interactions, will be discussed.