Tue, 17/01/201712:30-13:30
Kaplun building, Room No. 200
Lecturer: Andrea Maccio
Affiliation: New York University of Abu Dhabi
Title: The NIHAO project: simulating galaxy formation in a dark universe
In a Universe dominate by Dark Matter and Dark Energy, galaxy formation is a complex mixture of hierarchical halo assembly, dissipational processes and secular evolution. I will then review the past years efforts of my research group at NYUAD in creating realistic (disk) galaxies in a cosmological context, with particular emphasis on the role of stellar feedback. I will then introduce the NIHAO project, a new, unmatched, suite of high resolution cosmological simulations. I will highlight the current and future projects based on these simulations, especially regarding the effects of baryons on dark matter distribution in galaxies. I will then conclude my presentation by talking about the current challenges in reproducing the properties of massive, elliptical galaxies.
Affiliation: New York University of Abu Dhabi
Title: The NIHAO project: simulating galaxy formation in a dark universe
In a Universe dominate by Dark Matter and Dark Energy, galaxy formation is a complex mixture of hierarchical halo assembly, dissipational processes and secular evolution. I will then review the past years efforts of my research group at NYUAD in creating realistic (disk) galaxies in a cosmological context, with particular emphasis on the role of stellar feedback. I will then introduce the NIHAO project, a new, unmatched, suite of high resolution cosmological simulations. I will highlight the current and future projects based on these simulations, especially regarding the effects of baryons on dark matter distribution in galaxies. I will then conclude my presentation by talking about the current challenges in reproducing the properties of massive, elliptical galaxies.