Physics Colloquium: "Mining causality to predict future events"

Mon, 28/11/201612:00-13:30
Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
Lecturer: Dr. Kira Radinsky
Affliation: Director of Data Science & Chief
Scientist, eBay and Visiting Professor/Scientist,
Mark Twain famously said that ''the past does
not repeat itself, but it rhymes.''
In the spirit of this reflection, I present novel
algorithms and methods for leveraging large-
scale digital histories and human knowledge
mined from the Web to make real-time
predictions about the likelihoods of future
human and natural events of interest.
I will present a system that mines decades of
news reports (1851-2010) from the New York
Times (NYT), and describe how we can learn
to predict the future by generalizing sets of
concrete transitions in sequences of reported
news events. I will show applications both
from the industry as part of my company and
the activities with the medical organizations I
have been leading in the last few years.