Cells sense and interact with their environment using chemical and physical signals including
cell-matrix and cell-cell contacts. These signals often control the global and local shapes of cells
by modulating the cytoskeletal structure, but can the local shape alone provide functionally
relevant information? We hypothesize that physiologically relevant shapes can encode
information needed to maintain the cell in a differentiated state. This conjecture raises two
follow-on questions: (i) how is the information stored in cell shape retrieved; and (ii) how does
this information contribute to cellular phenotype? Theoretical analyses, based on reaction-
diffusion system and optimal control theory, indicate that information from cell shape can be
resolved from physical signals and uniquely retrieved by adopting shapes with distinct surface-
to-volume relationships. We used microfabricated 3-D biomimetic chips to validate the
predictions from the theoretical analyses. We constructed single-cell patterns representing
simplified versions of the in vivo morphology of two cell types, kidney podocytes, and smooth
muscle cells. In both types, cells in the shapes showed marked phenotypic changes, as measured
by expression levels of physiologically important proteins and localization of these proteins to
the appropriate subcellular compartment. Using differential proteomics and functional ablation
assays, we found that β 3 integrin and its binding partners from the ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM)
family are involved in the transduction of shape signals. These observations indicate that
physiological cell shape, including local specialization, embodies information obtained
during the development, which is utilized to maintain the cell in the differentiated state.