"Quantum information science center talk: Engineering and Analyzing Multiqubit Measurement Operators in Circuit QED"

Mon, 16/03/201517:00-18:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Mr. Jacob Blumoff
Affiliation: Department of Physics, Yale University
Recent improvements in resonator coherence
times in the field of superconducting qubits have
allowed access to a rich new toolbox which takes
advantage of their large and long-lived Hilbert
space. In this talk, I introduce several techniques
utilizing the cavity state and protocols built from
these techniques. We condition the evolution of a
cavity state via dispersive interactions with
multiple qubits, and manipulate the system to
implement quantum erasure, selectively reducing
the space of the resulting entanglement. This can
be tailored to create a spectrum of measurement
operators including measurements on a selectable
subset of the system. This ability is a prerequisite
for most approaches to quantum error correction.