Prof. Boris Spivak, University of Washington

Thu, 20/06/201312:30-13:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
"Chiral Anomaly and Classical Negative Magnetoresistance of Weyl Metal":
Materials with nontrivial topological properties have attracted considerable interest after the discovery of topological insulators .
One type of such materials is the so-called Weyl semimetals, characterized by the presence of points of band touching(Diracpoints).
Here, we study the metallic counterparts of these materials-the Weyl metals, where Dirac points are hidden inside a Fermi surface [1]. Fermi surfaces in these systems possess nonzero fluxes of the Berry curvature. We show that these materials may exhibit large classical negative magnetoresistance with unusual anisotropy. We also find a new type of plasma waves in these systems.
These phenomena are consequences of chiral anomaly in electron transport theory.