Thu, 22/05/201414:00-15:00
TITLE: "Shading light on GRBs with next generation observatories"
Despite the huge observational advances occurred in the last 15 years, GRBs still remain one of the most mysterious and intriguing natural phenomena, whose investigation has a relevant impact for several fields of astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics. Main open issues include the physics and geometry of the prompt emission, the nature, the properties and progenitors of different sub-classes (X-Ray Flashes, sub-energetic, short vs. long) and, given their huge luminosities and redshift distribution extending up to the early Universe, the possible use of these events for cosmology. I will review the scientific objectives, main requirements, concept design and expected performances of next generation space missions (planned, proposed, under study) aimed at addressing these topics, thus making a decisive step forward in the comprehension and use of GRBs. In particular, I will focus on the GAME (GRB and All-sky Monitor Experiment) project, coordinated by the Bologna - Ferrara GRB team exploiting scientific and technological heritage from successful missions like BeppoSAX and AGILE.
Despite the huge observational advances occurred in the last 15 years, GRBs still remain one of the most mysterious and intriguing natural phenomena, whose investigation has a relevant impact for several fields of astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics. Main open issues include the physics and geometry of the prompt emission, the nature, the properties and progenitors of different sub-classes (X-Ray Flashes, sub-energetic, short vs. long) and, given their huge luminosities and redshift distribution extending up to the early Universe, the possible use of these events for cosmology. I will review the scientific objectives, main requirements, concept design and expected performances of next generation space missions (planned, proposed, under study) aimed at addressing these topics, thus making a decisive step forward in the comprehension and use of GRBs. In particular, I will focus on the GAME (GRB and All-sky Monitor Experiment) project, coordinated by the Bologna - Ferrara GRB team exploiting scientific and technological heritage from successful missions like BeppoSAX and AGILE.