Tue, 11/01/201112:30-13:30
Probing dark matter and the expansion history of the Universe with
Lyman-alpha in absorption.
The Lyman-alpha forest in QSO absorption spectra is a sensitive
probe of the matter distribution. I will present constraints
on the mass of (warm) dark matter particles as well
as active neutrinos. I will also discuss prospects of measuring the
redshift drift and improving constraints on the variability of
fundamental constants with the ultra-stable high-resolution
spectrograph CODEX proposed for the E-ELT.
Probing dark matter and the expansion history of the Universe with
Lyman-alpha in absorption.
The Lyman-alpha forest in QSO absorption spectra is a sensitive
probe of the matter distribution. I will present constraints
on the mass of (warm) dark matter particles as well
as active neutrinos. I will also discuss prospects of measuring the
redshift drift and improving constraints on the variability of
fundamental constants with the ultra-stable high-resolution
spectrograph CODEX proposed for the E-ELT.