Sun, 26/12/201012:30-14:00
"Deep far-infrared photometric surveys with Herschel - new results from the PEP project"
PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) project is a GTO program in which we observe the deep, multi-wavelength extragalactic fields (GOODS, COSMOS,...) in the far-IR with Herschel. These observations, thanks to the sensitivity and resolution of Herschel-PACS allow us to study the star formation rates (SFR) and dust content in galaxies up to z~3, as well as to resolve most of the cosmic IR background.
I will present some of these results with a focus on the SFR and the mid-to-far IR SED of z~2 galaxies and the SFR in AGNs.
"Deep far-infrared photometric surveys with Herschel - new results from the PEP project"
PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) project is a GTO program in which we observe the deep, multi-wavelength extragalactic fields (GOODS, COSMOS,...) in the far-IR with Herschel. These observations, thanks to the sensitivity and resolution of Herschel-PACS allow us to study the star formation rates (SFR) and dust content in galaxies up to z~3, as well as to resolve most of the cosmic IR background.
I will present some of these results with a focus on the SFR and the mid-to-far IR SED of z~2 galaxies and the SFR in AGNs.