Astrolunch Seminar: Elad Zinger (HUJI)

Tue, 23/04/201312:30-13:30
Title: Structure and Properties of the Intra-Cluster Medium and the Role of Gas Streams
The study of the Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM) is at an exciting point in time. Observations have recently begun to probe the outer regions of clusters even as numerical capabilities allowed for a more detailed and comprehensive view of the process taking place within it. In particular, it has become clear that mass accretion into galaxy clusters in particular does not occur in a quasi-spherical manner, but rather along well defined streams. This new scenario for mass accretion can have a marked effect on the structure and dynamics of clusters. By employing high resolution numerical simulations, we investigate the interplay between the internal structures of the intra-cluster gas and the streams along which mass accretes onto the cluster, in the hopes of better understanding some of the open questions concerning these systems such as the cool-core vs. non-cool core dichotomy, formation of cold fronts within the ICM and the quenching of star-formation in galaxies within the outer regions of the ICM.