Thu, 22/06/202313:00-14:00
Title: Type Ia supernovae: what do they do, when and where?
Abstract: I will present some recent results that shed light on outstanding riddles concerning SNe Ia: what are the progenitor systems behind these explosions? How and why do their properties depend on the environment? And what is their contribution over cosmic time to galactic heating and element enrichment? I will sketch how JWST has now opened up the potential to observe these processes at the earliest epochs ever.
Abstract: I will present some recent results that shed light on outstanding riddles concerning SNe Ia: what are the progenitor systems behind these explosions? How and why do their properties depend on the environment? And what is their contribution over cosmic time to galactic heating and element enrichment? I will sketch how JWST has now opened up the potential to observe these processes at the earliest epochs ever.