Nuclear Physics Seminars: "Beta-delayed Charged Particle Detector for Studies of Novae and X-ray Bursts "; "Ridge in pp collisions: collectivity from interference" Mon, 18/06/201814:30-18:30Location: Danciger B Building, Seminar room
The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: Quantum chaos and thermalization in a small isolated system of interacting particles Mon, 05/06/201714:30-15:30Location: Kaplun building, room #103, Tel Aviv University
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Seminar: "Electron Impact Ionization studies of High Z Elements" Mon, 27/02/201716:00-17:00Location: Kaplun building, Room No. 200
Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Physics Seminar:"On the inevitability of a bound neutron cluster " Thu, 22/11/201812:00-13:00Location: Kaplun seminar room
Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Physics Seminar: "Analytical form of helium wave function" Thu, 09/11/201714:00-15:30Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: "Hypernuclei in Heavy Ion Collisions: Observations , Opportunities and Outlook" Mon, 27/03/201714:45-15:45Location: Seminar room at Danciger B building, Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Seminar Mon, 29/04/201914:00-17:00Location: Ross building, Seminar room
The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: "The nuclear contacts and short-range correlations in nuclear systems" Mon, 21/11/201614:45-15:45Location: The large seminar room of the Physics building, Weizmann Institute of Science
Nuclear Physics Seminar : "Neutron-proton pairing and neutrino-less double-beta decay in the interacting boson model" Thu, 14/12/201715:00-17:00Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
Prof. Avraham Gal,Racah Institute of Physics Mon, 09/12/201315:55-16:55Location: Hall 7 (in the corridor of the 1st floor between the Physics and Chemistry buildings) at the Tel Aviv University
"The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: New Symmetry of the Cluster Model" Mon, 12/01/201516:55-17:45Location: The large seminar room of the Physics building, Weizmann Institute of Science
The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: "Neutron star binaries as sources of gravitational waves an heavy r-process material" Mon, 28/03/201614:15-15:15Location: Shenkar Physics building, room #104, Tel Aviv University
Prof. Eli Friedman,Racah Institue of Physics Tue, 17/12/201312:00-13:00Location: The Racah Institute moadon (pavilion 9)
Mr. Nir Nevo Dinur,Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Sun, 29/06/201414:00-15:00Location: Danciger B building, Seminar room
"The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars: The Problem of radiation-reaction" Mon, 23/11/201516:15-17:00