Special quantum optics seminar: "Josephson Photonics: Quantum Optics meets Quantum Electronics"

Sun, 27/01/201912:00-13:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Joachim Ankerhold, Ulm University, Institute for Complex Quantum Systems, Germany

Real quantum systems never live in isolation but are embedded in surrounding
media. An impressive example is cavity quantum electrodynamics and its more
recent realization circuit-QED, where `artificial atoms' in microwave cavities are
implemented with superconducting circuits. Quantum electrodynamics, however,
implies the interaction of bosonic with fermionic matter in general. For the latter,
fascinating progress has been achieved in the field of quantum electronics to control
charge transfer down to the level of individual charge carriers.
Activities to combine these two previously almost distinct fields, quantum optics and
quantum electronics, have appeared only very recently with the advent of Josephson
photonics. This opens a new playground to study a wealth of phenomena far from
equilibrium including non-classical light sources, ultra-strongcharge-light interactions,
nonlinear quantum oscillators, and quantum phase transitions insteady state. In this
talk I will discuss experimental developments in line with the theoretical background.

Additional details of the seminar, can be found at the following link