Lecturer: Norbert Schuch, Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics(MPQ), Garching, Germany
Topological order cannot be characterized through local order parameters but is characterized by a nontrivial global ordering in the quantum correlations (entanglement). Topologically ordered systems display exotic features such as excitations with non-trivial statistics ("anyons") and a topology-dependent ground space structure. Tensor network states form a framework which allows to describe and study quantum many-body systems, including states with complex topological order, in a local way, with direct access to the entanglement degrees of freedom. In my talk, I will (i) give an introduction to tensor network states, (ii) explain how they can be used to describe states with topological order, giving direct access to ground space and anyonic excitations, and (iii) show how this can be used to define and measure order parameters which directly characterize the behavior of anyons and thus can be used to characterize topological phase transitions through anyonic order parameters, beyond the reach of conventional order parameters.