Prof. Ronen Rapaport, Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Mon, 02/06/201412:00-13:30
Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
"Dipolar fluids on a chip – From Quantum Many-Body Physics to Complex Circuitry":
While we understand well how two classical dipoles interact with each other, the problem becomes much more complex and interesting when we put many dipoles together and form a dipolar fluid, especially when collective quantum effects become important. A dipolar exciton fluid in a semiconductor bilayer is a wonderful system to look for the very rich quantum-collective physics that is theoretically predicted for ultra-cold dipolar gases. Furthermore, these exciton fluids can be utilized for new types of circuitry on a chip.
I will give an overview of the recent research highlights on dipolar exciton fluids, with many new exciting observations such as a transition from a classical to a quantum correlated fluid, evidences for a macroscopic Bose-Einstein condensation and a formation of a dark quantum fluid, as well as observations of ballistic spin currents and spin textures. I will also present some proof-of-principle experiments of building blocks for a complex excitonic circuitry