Mon, 18/11/202412:00-13:30

Place: Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
Lecturer: Erez Zohar, Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
In the recent decades, a lot of progress has been made in the fields of quantum information and quantum technologies, towards the development of quantum computers.
While the impressive development has not given rise yet to a large-scale universal quantum computer which can implement any algorithm, as physicists we do not necessarily have to wait for this to open in order to harness these impressive developments for finding new ways to solve long-standing challenges in quantum many-body physics. In fact, the combination of already existing tools and technologies with physical concepts allows us to develop and implement methods which may be even better tailored to specific, yet interesting and very hard nonperturbative problems in quantum field theories. In my talk I will review two such methods - quantum simulation and tensor network states, and discuss how to apply them for simplifying problems in lattice gauge theories such that current technologies would be sufficient for approaching their solution.
In the recent decades, a lot of progress has been made in the fields of quantum information and quantum technologies, towards the development of quantum computers.
While the impressive development has not given rise yet to a large-scale universal quantum computer which can implement any algorithm, as physicists we do not necessarily have to wait for this to open in order to harness these impressive developments for finding new ways to solve long-standing challenges in quantum many-body physics. In fact, the combination of already existing tools and technologies with physical concepts allows us to develop and implement methods which may be even better tailored to specific, yet interesting and very hard nonperturbative problems in quantum field theories. In my talk I will review two such methods - quantum simulation and tensor network states, and discuss how to apply them for simplifying problems in lattice gauge theories such that current technologies would be sufficient for approaching their solution.