Physics Colloquium : "Recent progress in nanoscale enhanced light-vapor interactions on a chip"

Mon, 29/10/201812:00-13:30
Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
Lecturer: Uriel Levy
Motivated by the growing efforts for miniaturization, on chip nanoscale photonic and plasmonic based devices and systems are becoming a reality. In this talk we describe our recent progress towards the construction of on chip passive and active quantum devices based on the integration of hot vapor (Rubidium (Rb) atoms) with nanophotonic structures. This effort includes the demonstration enhanced light-vapor interactions assisted by dielectric and metallic nanophotonics. Specifically, we observe linear and nonlinear interactions of light and vapor in dielectric waveguides and resonators. We also demonstrate pump probe measurements for all optical switching and frequency referencing. We show how plasmonic structures can be used to tailor the dispersion of the integrated nanophotonic-atomic chip. We discuss the effect of applying magnetic fields. The talk discusses potential applications and mention some fundamental limitations of the integrated approach.