Physics Colloquium: "Inorganic voltage nanosensors"

Mon, 11/04/201612:00-13:30
Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
Lecturer: Prof. Shimon Weiss
Affiliation: University of California, Los-Angeles
We have been developing targetable voltage
sensing inorganic nanoparticles (vsNPs) that
are designed to self-insert into the cell
membrane and optically record, non-
invasively, action potential on the single-
particle level, at multi-sites and in a large
field-of-view. Using the first generation of
vsNPs, we measured large quantum
confined Stark effect (QCSE) shifts as
function of voltage (in-vitro, using
electrodes). We are currently working on
functionalization and membrane insertion
schemes for these probes. Once fully
developed, we hope that these vsNPs could
be generally useful for the study of action
potential signals in the central and peripheral
nervous systems and in muscle tissues.