Mon, 15/01/202412:00-13:30

Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
Tal Ellenbogen, Department of Physical Electronics, School of Electrical Engineering, Tel-Aviv University and Center for Light-Matter Interaction, Tel-Aviv University
Collective interactions on lattices play a major role in the physical dynamics of a wide variety
of systems. Recent focus on collective interactions on 2D optical lattices of nanoresonators has unveiled intriguing and promising phenomena, such as Bose-Einstein condensation, low threshold up-conversion lasing, ultrahigh-Q plasmonic response, enhanced generation of classical light and even quantum light, just to give a few examples. These emphasize the importance of collectivity in the construction of nanoresonator based optical materials. Moreover, equivalent concepts
reach outside conventional optical lattices, to atomic lattices, acoustic lattices, and beyond,
making nano-engineered optical lattices an important system for studying fundamental
physical phenomena and for understanding how to use them to better control light-matter
In this talk we will present new discoveries and properties related to collective interactions on
so-called metasurfaces and metamaterials composed out of arrays of nanoresonators. We will
discuss the collective enhancement of nonlinear optical interactions on the lattice and show
emerging effects of slow light in the system. We will demonstrate the development of active
nonlinear nonlocal metasurfaces, based on hybrid metasurface-liquid-crystal platform. This
platform can be used to switch the nonlocal nonlinear signal from the metasurface with
modulation amplitude larger than 25dB, both electrically and all-optically. We will also
unveil new types of volume collective modes in 3D nanoresonator arrays, that exhibit
extraordinary, and highly attractive optical characteristics, including vanishing absorption and
engineered transmission or reflection approaching unity. We will show that the collective
mode distributes the excitation equally along all the constituent nanoparticles within the
volume of the metamaterial, regardless of the metamaterial size. This is manifested by a new
phenomenon of spectral locking that exhibits an exceptionally high Q-factor, compared to the
localized surface plasmon Q-factor of the individual meta-atoms. Finally, we will also present
the manifestation of collective-like effects in a system constructed from a single nano
resonator in a slit.
This work was supported in part by the European Union (ERC 3D NOAM 101044797).
of systems. Recent focus on collective interactions on 2D optical lattices of nanoresonators has unveiled intriguing and promising phenomena, such as Bose-Einstein condensation, low threshold up-conversion lasing, ultrahigh-Q plasmonic response, enhanced generation of classical light and even quantum light, just to give a few examples. These emphasize the importance of collectivity in the construction of nanoresonator based optical materials. Moreover, equivalent concepts
reach outside conventional optical lattices, to atomic lattices, acoustic lattices, and beyond,
making nano-engineered optical lattices an important system for studying fundamental
physical phenomena and for understanding how to use them to better control light-matter
In this talk we will present new discoveries and properties related to collective interactions on
so-called metasurfaces and metamaterials composed out of arrays of nanoresonators. We will
discuss the collective enhancement of nonlinear optical interactions on the lattice and show
emerging effects of slow light in the system. We will demonstrate the development of active
nonlinear nonlocal metasurfaces, based on hybrid metasurface-liquid-crystal platform. This
platform can be used to switch the nonlocal nonlinear signal from the metasurface with
modulation amplitude larger than 25dB, both electrically and all-optically. We will also
unveil new types of volume collective modes in 3D nanoresonator arrays, that exhibit
extraordinary, and highly attractive optical characteristics, including vanishing absorption and
engineered transmission or reflection approaching unity. We will show that the collective
mode distributes the excitation equally along all the constituent nanoparticles within the
volume of the metamaterial, regardless of the metamaterial size. This is manifested by a new
phenomenon of spectral locking that exhibits an exceptionally high Q-factor, compared to the
localized surface plasmon Q-factor of the individual meta-atoms. Finally, we will also present
the manifestation of collective-like effects in a system constructed from a single nano
resonator in a slit.
This work was supported in part by the European Union (ERC 3D NOAM 101044797).