Mon, 06/01/202512:00-13:30

Place: Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
Lecturer: Prof. Yael Shadmi, Technion
The LHC experiments are now probing the Higgs interaction for the first time. Over the next two decades, they will supply a wealth of precise measurements of processes involving the Higgs and electroweak gauge bosons, which may provide clues to the origin of the Higgs potential and in particular, to the origin of the weak scale. How do we interpret these measurements? We will describe a model-independent approach, based on just the physical degrees of freedom, namely, the known particles, in terms of amplitudes.
The LHC experiments are now probing the Higgs interaction for the first time. Over the next two decades, they will supply a wealth of precise measurements of processes involving the Higgs and electroweak gauge bosons, which may provide clues to the origin of the Higgs potential and in particular, to the origin of the weak scale. How do we interpret these measurements? We will describe a model-independent approach, based on just the physical degrees of freedom, namely, the known particles, in terms of amplitudes.