Mon, 23/12/202412:00-13:30

Place: Levin building, Lecture Hall No. 8
Lecturer: Roee Ozeri, Weizmann Institute
The fields of quantum computing and quantum simulation are undergoing rapid progress, with various technologies (qubit modalities) competing for quantum advantage and performance. In this talk I will review one of the leading quantum platforms: trapped ion qubits and will describe its state-of the art. In particular I will focus on one of the main advantages of trapped-ion qubits, namely their long-range Coulomb interaction and the all-to-all qubit connectivity it enables. I will present several of our experiments in which the global phonon spectrum of an ion crystal was used to generate programable couplings between qubits and quantum simulations of Hamiltonians with broken time-reversal symmetry. All these techniques culminate in a proposal for a unique scale-up architecture for large-scale trapped-ion quantum computers.
The fields of quantum computing and quantum simulation are undergoing rapid progress, with various technologies (qubit modalities) competing for quantum advantage and performance. In this talk I will review one of the leading quantum platforms: trapped ion qubits and will describe its state-of the art. In particular I will focus on one of the main advantages of trapped-ion qubits, namely their long-range Coulomb interaction and the all-to-all qubit connectivity it enables. I will present several of our experiments in which the global phonon spectrum of an ion crystal was used to generate programable couplings between qubits and quantum simulations of Hamiltonians with broken time-reversal symmetry. All these techniques culminate in a proposal for a unique scale-up architecture for large-scale trapped-ion quantum computers.