OSA Chapter Seminar: "Propagation dynamics of self-accelerating vector beams”

Mon, 12/09/201616:00-17:00
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Mr. Jonathan Bar-David
Affiliation: Department of Applied Physics,
The Rachel and Selim Benin School of
Computer Science and Engineering,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
We study theoretically and experimentally
the varying polarization states and
intensity patterns of self-accelerating
vector beams. We show that as these
beams propagate, the main intensity lobe
and the polarization singularity gradually
drift apart. Furthermore, the propagation
dynamics can be manipulated by
controlling the beams' acceleration
coefficients. We also demonstrate the self-
healing dynamics of these accelerating
vector beams for which sections of the
vector beam are being blocked by an
opaque or polarizing obstacle. Our results
indicate that the self-healing process is
almost insensitive for the obstacles'
polarization direction. Moreover, the
spatial polarization structure also shows
self- healing properties, and it is
reconstructed as the beam propagates
further beyond the perturbation plane.
These results open various possibilities for
generating, shaping and manipulating the
intensity patterns and space variant
polarization states of accelerating vector