Omri Golan

Thu, 23/05/201912:00-13:00
Danciger B lower seminar room
Boundary central charge from bulk odd viscosity - chiral superfluids
I will describe a low energy effective field theory for chiral superfluids, which accounts for both spontaneous symmetry breaking and fermionic ground-state topology. The theory enables us to compute the odd (or Hall) viscosity tensor at small wave-vector, which contains a dependence on the chiral central charge c of the boundary degrees of freedom, as well as additional non-universal contributions. The theory also leads to related bulk observables which allow for a bulk measurement of c . In Galilean invariant superfluids, only the particle current and density responses to strain and electromagnetic fields are required. 
Time permitting, I will go higher up in energy, and describe the massive Higgs field of the p-wave superfluid/superconductor as an unusual graviton. 
Based on PRB 98.064503 and arXiv 1902.10725.