Nonlinear Physics Seminar: "From squeaking doors to trembling Earth: Why and how frictional interfaces lose stability?"

Wed, 06/04/201612:00-13:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Dr. Yohai Bar-Sinai
Affiliation: Department of Chemical Physics,
Weizmann Institute of Science
Understanding the stability of frictional
motion is of prime importance both
theoretically and practically, with
possible applications in a wide variety
of systems at the mesoscopic (MEMS,
hard disks), macroscopic (door hinges,
brake squeal, tires) and planetary
(Earthquakes) scales. In this talk I will
discuss various mechanisms by which
frictional sliding may become unstable.
These include (a) constitutive
instabilities of the frictional interface,
(b) elastic instabilities related to the
coupling of the frictional interface to
the bulk and (c) intrinsic coupling
between normal and tangential motion
due to a broken (global or local)
symmetry of the system. Some
ramifications of these instabilities in
natural and experimental systems will
be discussed.