Nonlinear Physics Seminar: "Geometric Dissipative Heat Engines Without Power-Efficiency Tradeoff"

Wed, 09/11/201612:00-13:30
Danciger B building, Seminar room
Lecturer: Dr. Oren Raz
Affiliation: University of Maryland
Thermodynamics places a limit on the
efficiency of heat engines, but not on
their output power or on how the power
and efficiency change with the engine’s
cycle time. In the talk I will present a
geometrical description of the power and
efficiency as a function of the cycle time,
applicable to a broad class of dissipative
heat engine models. This geometrical
description is used to design engine
protocols that attain both the maximal
power and maximal efficiency at the fast
driving limit. Furthermore, using this
method, we prove that no protocol can
exactly attain the Carnot efficiency at
nonzero power.