Tue, 21/12/201012:30-13:30
Title: Dichotomies of Galaxy Formation
Abstract: There are several observed dichotomies relevant to galaxy formation:
red sequence and blue cloud galaxies, bulges and disks, isolated dwarf
galaxies that are blue and those that are red, hot core clusters and cool
core clusters, etc. I will use hydrodynamic cosmological simulations to
address some of these dichotomies in terms of theoretical dichotomies in
cooling and feedback.
Abstract: There are several observed dichotomies relevant to galaxy formation:
red sequence and blue cloud galaxies, bulges and disks, isolated dwarf
galaxies that are blue and those that are red, hot core clusters and cool
core clusters, etc. I will use hydrodynamic cosmological simulations to
address some of these dichotomies in terms of theoretical dichotomies in
cooling and feedback.