Thu, 13/06/201312:00-13:00
Danciger B Building, Seminar room
"High Resolution: Spatial Vs. Temporal":
When trying to characterize attosecond (10^-18 seconds) pulses, one faces a problem: standard pulse characterization techniques for pico and femtosecond pulses cannot be used, and new methods have to be developed. A hint towards possible methods comes from looking on a different but similar problem - sub diffraction-limited microscopy.
In my talk I will present some "mappings" of microscopy techniques into short pulses characterization techniques. Surprisingly - we found that this mapping is also interesting in the opposite direction.
When trying to characterize attosecond (10^-18 seconds) pulses, one faces a problem: standard pulse characterization techniques for pico and femtosecond pulses cannot be used, and new methods have to be developed. A hint towards possible methods comes from looking on a different but similar problem - sub diffraction-limited microscopy.
In my talk I will present some "mappings" of microscopy techniques into short pulses characterization techniques. Surprisingly - we found that this mapping is also interesting in the opposite direction.